Thrive Exposed

I am in the process of Revising my Thrive Exposed videos because of all the censorship threw me off track. You can find the final revision of Thrive Exposed at the link here when I am done each part and eventually a full version on vimeo.

Clear Compass Media are engaging in censorship and violating Freedom of Speech. Foster Gamble promotes the idea of “non-violation” in the movie Thrive while Actively suppressing free speech and cures for disease. Watch Thrive Exposed Part 6 on youtube and see for yourself there is nothing from Thrive in there, then ask yourself why Clear Compass Media are violating freedom of speech. If you want evidence click the links below.

Thrive Exposed Part 1
Thrive Exposed Part 2
Thrive Exposed Part 3
Thrive Exposed Part 4
Thrive Exposed Part 5
Thrive Exposed Part 6

Do your own research. Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman won the 2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals

Edgar Fouche talked about quasicrystals in 1998 and in 1999.
Edgar Fouche – Alien Rapture (Full 1998 presentation)

Below is a photo taken from Thrive
Subliminal Message
The below photo points out what should be obvious
Subliminal Message

Below is my message when I logged on youtube December 29, 2011 [click on the image to zoom in] :

More part(s) coming later, I work a job and I barely get by, so please be patient. I will work as I go. Please share, Thrive went viral right away. This is a documentary exposing Thrive: What on Earth will it take? We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition was unconstitutional from its inception.

Why couldn’t Thrive help the public get past the cannabis (hemp) disinformation? Foster Gamble says having a clear understanding of the world is important, Foster Gamble sure missed on the important information that saves lives. By not presenting truth about Cannabis (Hemp) Thrive is part of the problem. This is a hijacking! Foster Gamble did not apologize for all the damage his family has done. Thrive IS NOT waking up the world. It is tricking the world into believing that it is being awakened when, in reality, it is being hypnotized into an even deeper sleep.

Never underestimate the cunning and cleverness of the conscienceless corporate oligarchy. Never underestimate the corporate rulers who finance politicians into power.

Over the centuries, the corporate oligarchy have lied, cheated, looted, polluted, slaughtered, tortured, conquered, enslaved and impoverished. They have masterminded and financed both sides of every war, every revolution and every movement.

Procter & Gamble is a Fortune 500 American multinational corporation, it is one of the world’s biggest, most toxic corporate polluters on the face of the earth.

P&G has admitted using guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, rats and mice in their ‘laboratory research’, as well as cats and dogs in food experiments.

Investigations reveal P&G’s ongoing involvement in painful, torturous and lethal animal tests to get its new products on the market.

P&G has been lobbying governments to block bans on animal testing for cosmetics and household product ingredients.

Does Foster Gamble, heir to the Procter & Gamble fortune, know that P&G does hundreds of millions of dollars of business with the Pentagon and is one of the top contractors for the U.S War Dept.? Does he know that P&G did business with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich? Of course he does.

Does Foster Gamble know that P&G distributes Genetically Modified contaminated food and that they produced the controversial fat substitute olestra, marketed under the name Olean (a synthetic combination of fatty acids and sugar bound together in molecules too large for the human body to absorb or digest). Of course he does.

Unfortunately people are blinded by their desire to “believe” in something. They want to believe that Foster Gamble isn’t as greedy, ruthless, diabolically cruel and cold hearted as his corporate ancestors.

The symbolism surrounding Lady Gaga is so blatant that one might wonder if it’s all a sick joke. Illuminati symbolism is becoming so clear that reviews like this one become a simple exercise of pointing out the obvious. Compare the symbolism of the hidden eye of Lady Gaga, to the hidden eye observable on Thrive movie poster. Coincidence?

I found the information/pictures of Lady Gaga at The Vigilant Citizen. I only sourced The Vigilant Citizen because its where I found the images, the research existed before The Vigilant Citizen started. The video link below The Vigilant Citizen is caught red handed censoring truth (ive had comments censored before but this time I have evidence) I do not support The Vigilant Citizen anymore it is not ok to censor truth. Watch my video

Of the infinite possibilities to choose ANYTHING to be their poster Thrive choose symbolism used by what is known as the new world order, illuminati.

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. Why is legalizing and limiting our ability to grow Hemp more popular than repealing the law to make it null and void so we are free to grow as many plants as we want?

Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. There are documents in Library of Congress where George Washington states that he liked sitting on the back porch smoking a pipe of hemp. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp!

Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolph Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolph Diesel’s death.

The first diesel fuel was made from oil pressed from hemp seeds. It’s non-toxic, a nitrogen fixer, grows well nearly everywhere, a renewable resource, makes food, fuel, paper, rope, medicine, cosmetics, plastic, housing and much more.

The seeds can be pressed and used for diesel. Leaves and stalks can be fermented and used for fuel grade alcohol. Hemp harvests the most ethanol per acre compared to alternatives, 2-10 times more than corn ethanol. Low THC hemp plants produce less seed and ethanol per acre compared to other strains. Some strains mature in 60-120 days.

Anyone who does not think there is enough land to grow hemp for fuel and still grow food crops need to take a serious look at all the waste land that can be converted into arable land. 6 ways mushrooms can save the world Hemp would also be a great resource to convert land into arable land good for growing food crops.

Our number one need is oxygen. Hemp and bamboo are the two fastest growing plants on the planet that are some of the best plants at creating oxygen and breathing in CO2. Bamboo grows in tropical and semi-tropical zones. Hemp grows everywhere but the poles. We need to switch fuels. Alcohol and hemp seed oil still burn oxygen, but create it while they are growing. Gasoline does not. Hemp also produces ozone while it grows. Forests create oxygen. Ozone breathe in CO2, cool the air, attract moisture, create rain. We need them. Without them, we suffocate, are subject to droughts and weird weather.

Despite Industrial Hemp having 50,000 uses, Dupont, Rockefeller, Hearst, Mellon and their constituents cornered the industrial and medicinal market with political propaganda in a smear campaign by the petroleum, tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical, paper, chemical industries to insure against the competition of hemp fuel and safe, non-addicting and biodegradable products. The blind prejudice remains. If we and the other animals on the planet are to survive, we must see through this ignorance and correct the problem.

In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure High THC Hemp Oil.
In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)
Free Documentary Run From the Cure

Hemp would solve world hunger and most of the world problems like the energy crisis, deforestation, disease, repair our soils and renew with vital nutrients and so much more it would take too long to list.

U.S. National Library of Medicine — 819 Worldwide PubMed articles on Cannabinoids including THC curing Cancer

The U.S. Government owns Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants (real cannabis is superior)

The Governor-General’s webpage told us that the office of Governor-General of Canada is ‘DE FACTO’, which in referring to government means that authority has been unlawfully usurped (assumed)

The Governor General is the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces.


Controlled opposition have been at the forefront of providing people with good intentions and bad information on how to improve their conditions of living. Especially since the formation of the John Birch Society. G. Edward Griffin is a long time member of the John Birch Society.

Playlist is below for a documentary Anarchy USA, about Communist-Illuminati Tactics.Learn how the masses were being fooled and still are being fooled into mass organisations and demonstrations to advance the goals of the luciferan Illuminati-Communists.

The nazi bell, ever heard of it? – Topic –
Do your own research, nazi Bell UFO was HIGHLY toxic to humans (mercury plasma)
The Circle

The circle is a two-dimensional shadow of the sphere which is regarded throughout cultural history as an icon of the ineffable oneness; the indivisible fulfillment of the Universe. All other symbols and geometries reflect various aspects of the profound and consummate perfection of the circle, sphere and other higher dimensional forms of these we might imagine.

The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, Pi, is the original transcendental and irrational number. (Pi equals about 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 11…) It cannot be expressed in terms of the ratio of two whole numbers, or in the language of sacred symbolism, the essence of the circle exists in a dimension that transcends the linear rationality that it contains. Our holistic perspectives, feelings and intuitions encompass the finite elements of the ideas that are within them, yet have a greater wisdom than can be expressed by those ideas alone.

The Point

At the center of a circle or a sphere is always an infinitesimal point. The point needs no dimension, yet embraces all dimension. Transcendence of the illusions of time and space result in the point of here and now, our most primal light of consciousness. The proverbial “light at the end of the tunnel” is being validated by the ever-increasing literature on so-called “near-death experiences”. If our essence is truly spiritual omnipresence, then perhaps the “point” of our being “here” is to recognize the oneness we share, validating all “individuals” as equally precious and sacred aspects of that one.

Life itself as we know it is inextricably interwoven with geometric forms, from the angles of atomic bonds in the molecules of the amino acids, to the helical spirals of DNA, to the spherical prototype of the cell, to the first few cells of an organism which assume vesical, tetrahedral, and star (double) tetrahedral forms prior to the diversification of tissues for different physiological functions. Our human bodies on this planet all developed with a common geometric progression from one to two to four to eight primal cells and beyond.

Almost everywhere we look, the mineral intelligence embodied within crystalline structures follows a geometry unfaltering in its exactitude. The lattice patterns of crystals all express the principles of mathematical perfection and repetition of a fundamental essence, each with a characteristic spectrum of resonances defined by the angles, lengths and relational orientations of its atomic components.


Rotating a circle about a line tangent to it creates a torus, which is similar to a donut shape where the center exactly touches all the “rotated circles.” The surface of the torus can be covered with 7 distinct areas, all of which touch each other; an example of the classic “map problem” where one tries to find a map where the least number of unique colors are needed. In this 3-dimensional case, 7 colors are needed, meaning that the torus has a high degree of “communication” across its surface. The image shown is a “birds-eye” view.

The Flower of Life

Indelibly etched on the walls of temple of the Osirion at Abydos, Egypt, the Flower of Life contains a vast Akashic system of information, including templates for the five Platonic Solids. The background graphic for this page is a repetitive hexagonal grid based on the Flower of Life.

Found at Egypt:

Notice the Circle around the flower of life? Foster Gamble lied about the torus saying the torus was complete and found at every scale…some scales we simply do not know yet. He did mention the flower of life in thrive except ignored the circle around it. How can anyone know the torus is found at every level, when the science instruments are limited, plus most of the theories are just that…theories on a computer generated from a model.

Exploring our Electric Universe –

My full documentary Antimatter: The Future is Now was censored by youtube with false claims, and my ability to upload videos longer than 15 minutes was removed. Look in my youtube channel for evidence.

1 donation of $500 from a very generous person in Australia gave me the ability to build myself a computer to make a better documentary, before I was using my mothers slow computer to make videos and share truth.

Royalty Free Creative Commons Music from

I used the video Medical Cannabis – Effects on Human Health Video from

I used parts of the video The Rothschilds helped in making hemp/cannabis illegal!! Hemp equals post scarcity

Dean Clifford | What Government Has Done

Enslaved by Your Birth Certificate – It’s the biggest deception ever perpetrated on humanity

Starts with the birth certificate but they really get you with the marriage certificate where the couple sign ownership of the “product of the union” to the state. This means there are hidden leans on everything you “own”, including YOUR CHILDREN.

This applies to the US as well. Unbeknown to many people, US Law is Admiralty law, just like in Canada and many other nations with our American style “Democracy”. All lawyers in the US have to pass the B.A.R (British Accrediting Registry) and pledge allegiance to a foreign power, becoming foreign agents, which in complete contradiction to the US constitution.

My documentary is not for sale. I believe it to be fair dealing according to Canada’s copyright laws, I am providing review, private study and research.

Notice anything Wrong?

I know some people don’t like it…

Germans who warned of the 3rd reich were passed off as alarmist. The public have been led by the nose, duped by lies. #2 has Israel, I wanted to make this video <15 minutes so anybody on youtube can download and reupload this video.

In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million deaths PER YEAR).
In 2003, Rick Simpson invented his Cancer Cure High THC Hemp Oil.

Do we need a space force?

There is something very wrong. Notice anything familiar? Do not give into fear that is exactly what this system wants.

I am putting together clips for my documentary remake Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud. I am not trying to creep anybody out but take a look at history.

Take action the Empire does not need to take over everyone’s lives. The empire is the global government Stephen Harper talked about when he said it was a loss of national sovereignty. Stop feeding the beast don’t pay income taxes, what law says you need to pay income taxes? Income taxes support illegal wars and goes to the international monetary fund (American bank racketeering and extorting countries around the world)

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent pot smokers. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. The war on drugs was created to engage in war against those opposing unjust wars! Hemp will sustain communities and civilization around the world it provides 1800 gallons of ethanol per acre, a lot more than any other alternatives being used. Hemp is an efficient crop that uses less energy. Energy companies, big pharma, just want to keep making profits, that is why hemp is illegal.

The swastika is NOT a political symbol, it is the symbol if a spiral galaxy, and if you are paying attention, thunderstorms create antimatter spiraling out on earths magnetic field. In Japan temples have swastikas, most cultures around earth also used the swastika which is an ancient symbol.

Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud 2011 Preview

Update December 25, 2011
I lost a lot of data doing a format for the hard drive because I never had an external hard drive, the DVDs I burned were no good for some reason, gives an error. I was remaking my documentary because people were mad at how it wasn’t “quality”, I am moving onto other things, how many more versions can I make?.

This is a 14 minute preview for my remake of my Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud documentary. Finishing this small preview of the documentary took a lot of my energy and time.

Documentary on a variety of topics including, Antimatter Spacecraft Propulsion, Asteroid Mining, Cannabis/Hemp, Energy, Health, Organic Gardening, Solar, Space Colonization, Sustainability, Symbolism, UFO’s, and more.

Current fuels/ethanols, oils, plastics, and most products are toxic to the environment and human health. Hemp products are non-toxic, stronger, longer lasting, and healthy. When food, fuels, plastics, fibre, medicine are grown locally energy consumption reduces. Oil consumption would be reduced through increased efficiency, therefore the problem of humans consuming more oil that is being produced would be solved.

USSR Coat of Arms

United Nations

United Federation of Planets (Star Trek Symbol)

Read Jack Herer’s book for Free The Emperor Wears No Clothes
Royalty Free/Copyright free Music by
Kevin MacLeod (
This video is legal under Fair Dealing/Fair Use for the purpose of research and private study.

Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud [2011 Release]

The Fourth Reich

Could the emerging world government be nothing more than a step towards space militarization and star wars? The 3rd Reich might have been defeated, except the same ideology continues to thrive to this day. There is much that has been hidden and surpressed. History is written by the victors of war. Wernher von Braun was one of many nazi scientists, through project paperclip, who became an american citizen. Patterns from history are re-emerging. Will the Fourth Reich be the first Galactic Empire in history?

Older version is below.