World Government Election Fraud 2012 [Updated]

I work a job and don’t make a lot of money at work. Please be patient for the other parts.


This educational documentary World Government Election Fraud 2012 is about many topics including government, politics, energy, sovereignty, sustainability and even solutions that are ignored by the mainstream and alternative media.

The world is on the wrong track. Controlled opposition are preventing any real movement for justice or eco-peace from developing, Al Gore and Bill Gates are perfect examples. Disinformation serves the elite preventing the masses from reaching accurate conclusions. Fear is tool used to control the masses, fear of government, fear of cannabis, fear of reporting on the truth, fear of what it might be like to stop eating meat and eat more nutritional hemp seed that contains more protein.

In 1933 the gold of the whole country had to be turned in to the banksters, and all government contracts in gold were canceled. This is bankruptcy. America was essentially bankrupt, weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War. The Civil War itself was nothing more than a calculated “front” for some pretty fancy footwork by corporate backroom players. Look into the formation of the District of Columbia as a Sovereign State, the Act of 1871.

Diebold sells computer voting machines they had Republican conflict of interest during the 2 term voting Fraud of George Bush. Ron Paul Admits he is running the same platform George Bush used to win in 2000! The connections to Ron Paul are not few.

Be your own leader. Do your own Research. Ron Paul wrote a book called The Case for Gold with Lewis Lehrman. Lew is a papal knight (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) Lew was on the board of directors of The Project for a New American Century. Ron Paul refuses to participate in a further investigation into the crimes of 9/11/2001.

Ron Paul was inducted into the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity that is a leader in the fight against hazing, drugs and alcohol abuse. One ritual practice of Lambda Chi Alpha is CIRCUMAMBULATION. This is a common practice is found in the initiation of Witches and is practiced in Freemasonry.

Butcher of Russia, Vladimir Lenin, was a Freemason. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) became a Freemason of the 33rd degree in the Scottish rite and was a hardcore Devil worshiper, who in 1904 referred to himself as “The Beast 666.” Aleister Crowley was recruited as an intelligence officer for the British MI5, and as such he gave advice in magical questions to the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Churchill himself was a Freemason, having been initiated May 24, 1901 into the Studholme lodge 1591 in London. Churchill did not begin to use his famous V sign until he had started to meet with Crowley.

Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek was a 33rd Degree Scottish-Rite Freemason. What Enterprise Do you Think? Barack Obama said “I grew up on Star Trek. I believe in the final frontier.”

Operation Paperclip was a massive undertaking of the American government, which had prepared a plan to sweep into Germany to find and bring all Nazi scientists, occult researchers, including medical doctors involved in gene research, mind control etc. to the United States. Thousands of Nazi war criminals were selected and secretly moved to the United States, where they were integrated into the Military Industrial Complex. Similiar operations took place, like the Vatican Rat Lines.

Did you know that GCN the network which carries Alex Jones and Jeff Rense is an ABC affiliate? Yes, ABC as in the Disney-owned American Broadcasting Corporation the epitome of mainstream corporate media and home of propagandists such as Peter Jennings. It is well known that the CIA have been allowed by our past Presidents and members of the congress to operate through our News sources and media and do mind control experimentation on the public (Operation Mockingbird, MK ULTRA)

Alex Jones Connection to Project Mockingbird through Pat Buchanan and Thomas Braden

During the dark ages, the Catholic Church not only hoarded the wealth they collected from the poor, but they hoarded knowledge. They kept the masses ignorant & in the dark by denying them a basic education. The Vatican Umbrella corporation function under many different Catholic Orders so that no one can estimate their true worth, or piece together all the organized crime schemes they have implemented worldwide.

The colossal wealth of the Vatican includes enormous investments with the Rothschild’s in Britain, France, and the USA, and with giant oil and weapons corporations like Shell and General Electric. The Vatican solid gold bullion worth billions, is stored with the Rothschild controlled Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve Bank.

The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence. Possessing more material wealth than any bank, corporation, giant trust, or government anywhere on the globe. The Pope, who is the visible ruler of this colossal global wealth is one of the richest men on Earth. While a large amount of the world is under fed or starving to death, the Vatican hordes the world’s wealth, profits from it on the stock market, and at the same time preaches about giving.

How did the Vatican accumulate all that wealth over the millennium? One method was to put a price-tag on sin. Many bishops & popes actively marketed gilt, sin & fear for profit, by selling indulgences. Worshippers were encouraged to pre-pay for sins they hadn’t yet committed & get pardoned ahead of time. Those who didn’t pay-up risked eternal damnation. Another method was to get wealthy land owners to hand-over their land/fortune to the church on their death bed, in exchange for a blessing which would supposedly enable them to go to heaven.

Pope Leo the fifth rebuilt St Peter’s Basilica, by selling tickets out of hell & tickets to heaven.

Roughly 8,500 pages of long-secret Catholic records about child-molesting California clerics and the church supervisors and colleagues who ignored, minimized, concealed and enabled their crimes, as required by a 2006 settlement. To see the documents, go to:

This applies to the US as well. Unbeknown to many people, US Law is Admiralty law, just like in Canada and many other nations with our American style “Democracy”. All lawyers in the US have to pass the B.A.R (British Accrediting Registry) and pledge allegiance to a foreign power, becoming foreign agents, which in complete contradiction to the US constitution.

The Governor-General’s webpage told us that the office of Governor-General of Canada is ‘DE FACTO’, which in referring to government means that authority has been unlawfully usurped (assumed)

The Governor General is the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces.

In 1893, The Imperial Parliament in London passed the Statutes Revision Act wherein Section 2 of the BNA Act 1867 was REPEALED. What was Section 2? It was the succession right of “successors and heirs” of Queen Victoria, the Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to become the Monarch of Canada after the death of Queen Victoria. Thus, it appears that ALL Kings and Queens of England who have reigned since 1901, the date of Victoria’s death, are PRETENDERS and HOAXES.






We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. We don’t want legalization of marijuana which leaves the government to control and regulate it. Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp!

Regulate: to govern or direct according to rule
Control: to exercise restraining or directing influence over : (i.e. to regulate)
Tax: to make onerous (troublesome/burdensome) and rigorous demands on

Legalization sounds like the corporate takeover of the cannabis industry via government legislation
(over-taxation, over-regulation and over-control)

Definition of CARTEL:
1: a written agreement between belligerent nations
2: a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices
3: a combination of political groups for common action

Example of CARTEL: a cartel of oil-producing nations that controls production and influences prices

Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolph Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolph Diesel’s death.

Cannabis needs to be exempted from all laws practically everywhere, the only way to put the cartels out of business is to allow the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis (hemp) for industrial, medicinal, nutritional and recreational purposes repealed. Nobody has any right to restrict anyone, any age, a harmless plant safer than drinking water.

Legalized Medicinal marijuana is a scam because it discriminates and limits the public’s access to this harmless medicine that saves lives. Nobody dies or suffers injury from THC. Governments test hemp fields for THC as if it were dangerous, this is where disinformation causes more waste of time and energy.

U.S. National Library of Medicine – Growing database Worldwide PubMed articles on Cannabinoids including THC curing Cancer

U.S. Government owns Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

Cannabis (hemp) is the best food source on earth. Hemp fuel is the most cost effective and environmentally friendly reusable energy source on the planet. Hemp uses less water no herbicides or pesticides. The first diesel fuel was made from oil pressed from hemp seeds. It’s non-toxic, a nitrogen fixer, grows well nearly everywhere, a renewable resource, makes food, fuel, paper, rope, medicine, cosmetics, plastic, housing and much more.

The petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel is very clever, and “they” will do anything to neutralize resistance to their genocidal practices. The best thing we can do is stay strong, vigilant, and support each other.

There is quite a lot to educate oneself about the historical plant Hemp, that would create a clean energy source that can replace nuclear power, remove radioactive waste from the soil, and eliminate smog from our skies in more industrialized areas. Hemp production could eliminate deforestation by converting current paper to hemp paper which can be recycled up to 8 times where as our current wood pulp is only recyclable up to 3 times, and we could thrive from eating hemp seeds and feeding it to our animals and livestock, which would lower food prices all around, because its cheaper and more nutritious. they feed them junk food now, its so inefficient.

Until the 1930s most paint and varnishes were made with non-toxic hemp oil. Hemp paint provides superior coating because hemp oil soaks into and preserves wood, due to its high resistance to water. Hemp oil is a good base for non-toxic printing inks. Soy is currently made into inks, but soy ink requires more processing and takes longer to dry than hemp oil based inks.

Biodegradable hemp plastics could reduce landfill waste and display unique strength characteristics. Oil based plastics produce biproducts of sulfur and carbon monoxide and do not biodegrade.

Written by Nick Spero [with multiple sources listed] [This article may be reproduced and shared as long this article is shared in its entirety and the author is given credit]

Machiavellian principles have been put into place on a worldwide scale in order to divide and conquer; preventing/prolonging the opportunities for the common people to unite. There are several divide and conquer tactics being programmed into the human race. In the book, “The Prince” by Niccolò Machiavelli; The Medici Dynasty yearned for complete control over the masses. By the use of creating conflict amongst Italian city states, the Medici were successful. “The Prince” was the prototype for controlled opposition that the “ruling class” has utilized in order to control its territories. It has evolved into an octopus that stretches all over the world (quite possibly beyond Earth). We have been witnessing world-wide protests and people are wondering how these originate. Often, these protests occur because there is genuinely a positive message being shared but agent provocateurs turn a peaceful rally into complete devastation; accomplishing nothing positive. Who benefits? Is America next?

Controlled opposition has run amuck throughout America. Gate Keepers and think tanks have been at the forefront of providing people with good intentions; bad information on how to improve their conditions of living; especially since the formation of the John Birch Society. If you are capable of using critical thinking and remain logical throughout this read (including the links provided) then there shouldn’t be any reason why you will not come to the same conclusions that I have. Here is a prime example of the Dialectic in action by the phony left and right: [ ] &

Anyone that takes the time to do extensive research into the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic would discover that Ron Paul and Alex Jones are controlled opposition. Ron Paul and Alex Jones have become the poster boys for freedom during the past decade, especially since the 2008 elections. The term “Truth Movement” was codified and a cult-like mentality was formed. This trend is similar to when Bill Clinton was in office and we heard of several militias forming at an exponential rate in the mainstream media. An FBI report called Project Megiddo, released on October 20, 1999, named followers of white supremacy, Christian Identity, the militia movement, Black Hebrew Israelites and apocalyptic cults as potential terrorists who might become violent in reaction to the new millennium.

I bring this up because on February 20, 2009 another piece of propaganda was issued entitled “The MIAC Report”. People like Ron Paul and Alex Jones were named in this report as potential terrorists. [ ]

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Several radio hosts had a field day with the MIAC report screaming tyranny in America! It reads just like Project Megiddo!!!! Please compare the two reports and see for yourself. After you do, take the time to listen to Alex Jones’ Y2K broadcast [ ] and you will see a direct parallel to both these reports as well as the purpose for Alex Jones Y2K broadcast. Why is any of this important? Let’s connect some more dots, shall we? The next link comes from Barbara Aho’s website, which has a wealth of information and describes the overall purpose for controlled opposition groups in America.


Let’s get into who Ron Paul is behind the scenes rather than the Wikipedia version. Ron Paul belongs to a masonic organization just like his father, wife and children. This means he took a blood oath of allegiance to this Order which prevails over his duties as a politician. He is connected to the John Birch Society which was established by Jesuit-trained Robert Welsh and funded by Nelson Rockefeller. I have had the displeasure of debating with several JBS sympathizers in the past/present regarding the formation and history of the JBS. They claim that Eustice Mullins is the only source for this information and criticize his credibility to discredit the information. This is the typical tactic. Here is an excerpt from ABC News:

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ABC News’ Z. Byron Wolf reports: There was a hole in the agenda for Ron Paul’s “Rally for the Republic.” Between anti-war author Bill Kauffman and anti-torture lawyer Bruce Fein (UPDATE 8-25-11 -The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today that constitutional and international law expert Bruce Fein will join the campaign as senior advisor on legal matters.) [ ] was a slot on the agenda for “Special Guest.” Would it be Bob Barr, wondered some in the media? Perhaps a mainstream Republican to mend fences between Paul’s supporters and the people across the river in St. Paul at the GOP convention. Nope. Out strolled John McManus. Who? John Birch Society board member — the group also has a booth here — and a former John Birch Society president, McManus announced that Paul would be speaking at their 50th anniversary celebration in Wisconsin this year.

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Another speaker, Howard Phillips, who is chair of The Conservative Caucus, referred at one point during his speech to the “war of northern aggression.” (More commonly known as the Civil War). “I call it that, even though I’m from Massachusetts, because I have studied a little history since then and I know what was going on when Mr. (President Abraham) Lincoln invaded his own country,” said Phillips to a very light smattering of applause.

Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist told the rally, in addition to his work fighting taxes everywhere, he sits on the board of the NRA. “Taxes bad, guns good,” he said. McManus ended his speech, saying, “If you like Ron Paul, you’ll love the John Birch Society.”

[end of excerpt]

The fact remains, Nelson Rockefeller purchased the Welsh Candy Co. and paid well more than what it was worth. Rockefeller placed Robert’s brother James in a high position within Nabisco, giving him financial security the remaining years of his life. The exorbitant amount of money used to purchase the candy company allowed Robert to have enough funding to launch a heavy-hitting propaganda campaign from his newly formed John Birch Society.

[Excerpt from the book Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins, chapter 10]

“The Rockefellers also wielded a crucial role through their financing of the Trotskyite Communist group in the United States, the League for Industrial Democracy, whose directors include such staunch “anti-communists” as Jeanne Kirkpatrick and Sidney Hook.

“The Rockefeller’s were also active on the “right-wing” front through their sponsorship of the John Birch Society. To enable Robert Welch, a 32nd degree Mason, to devote all of his time to the John Birch Society, Nelson Rockefeller purchased his family firm, the Welch Candy Company, from him at a handsome price. Welch chose the principal officers of the John Birch Society from his acquaintances at the Council On Foreign Relations.

[This fact was confirmed by Don Fotheringham during a phone conversation in April, 1995. When I mentioned it, Don’s casual response was: “Bob wanted the brightest and the best”]

“For years afterwards, American patriots were puzzled by the consistent inability of the John Birch Society to move forward on any of its well-advertised “anti-Communist” goals. The fact that the society had been set up at the behest of the backers of the world Communist revolution may have played some role in this development. Other patriots wondered why most American conservative writers, including the present writer, were steadily blacklisted by the John Birch Society for some thirty years.

“Despite thousands of requests from would be book buyers, the John Birch Society refused to review or list any of my books. After several decades of futility, the Society was totally discredited by its own record. In a desperate effort to restore its image, William Buckley, the CIA propagandist, launched a ‘fierce’ attack against the John Birch Society in the pages of his magazine, the National Review. This free publicity campaign also did little to revive the moribund organization.” [end of excerpt]

I would like to add that G.Edward Griffin’s book, “The Creature from Jekyll Island” that Alex Jones peddles, is nothing more than a plagiarization of Eustice Mullins book, “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve”. Griffin is a long time member of the John Birch Society and also helped establish another JBS front called Freedom Force International. If you view their member list, it’s a who’s who of JBS members and the talk radio hosts that many believe are legit and truthful. I would seriously take a look at their key members, especially Jack Blood. At this moment in time, I cannot reveal what I know about Jack Blood until I get the go ahead from two other researchers. My intuition led me to what one researcher discovered who then told one other but had to promise not to say anything until his film came out. Here in G.Edward Griffin’s own words; he defends the JBS and its connection to Freedom Force.

FreedomWorks is another so-called non-for profit that has one of those wonderful sounding names all would love to be a part of by hearing it’s name but yet again has its ties to the JBS. FreedomWorks originated from a campaign called Citizens for a Sound Economy. Citizens for a Sound Economy merged with Empower America in 2004 and was renamed FreedomWorks. This non for profit institute IREHR connects the dots to FreedomWorks and the JBS teaparty movement. [ ]

Another tactic used to defend the JBS is Robert Welch’s 1958 speech. It’s promoted as being prophetic because of how the world’s power structure has evolved into what was being said by Welsh in 1958. Communism was (and still is to some extent) America’s boogeyman used to scare the people into submission. The JBS was responsible for perpetuating the threat of communism via its publications. During this time we saw America taking a more dominant role into policing the world and expanding its role into outer space. Robert Welsh “ironically” converted to Catholicism a couple months before his death. This brings us to Larry McDonald, Western Goals Foundation and the Nazis.

[ excerpt from: ]

John Birch Society founder, Robert Welch, was succeeded upon his death in 1983 by the former Congressman Larry McDonald. Lawrence Patton McDonald was a cousin of George S. Patton, Jr., the famous general who was killed in an automobile accident at the conclusion of World War II. 9. According to “Conspiracies of World War II” by J.S. Craig, “The common rumor in Germany at the time was that Patton was assassinated due to his wish to join forces with Germany and attack Russia. Patton had openly admitted that the Allies had defeated ‘the wrong enemy’ and repeatedly praised German industry and the discipline of its people.” 10. E. H. Cookridge also recorded Gen. Patton’s pro-Nazi attitude and subsequent demise in Gehlen: Spy of the Century — an expose of the CIA’s recruitment of high-level Nazi espionage agents:

“…General Patton was dreaming of rearming a couple of Waffen SS divisions to incorporate them into his US Third Army ‘and lead them against the Reds’. Patton had put this plan quite seriously to General Joseph T. McNarney, deputy US military governor in Germany, who had relayed Marshall Zhukov’s complaint that the Third Army was too slow in disbanding and confining German units in its Bavarian sector. ‘What do you think those ****** bolshies think?’ said Patton. ‘We’re going to have to fight them sooner or later. Why not now while our army is intact and we can kick the Red Army back into Russia? We can do it with my Germans…’

“McNarney, petrified, reported this to his political advisor, Robert Murphy, who promptly asked Patton to come and see him. Patton was not in the least subdued. ‘He inquired with a gleam in his eye’, Murphy later wrote, ‘whether there was any chance of going on to Moscow, which he said he could reach in thirty days, instead of waiting for the Russians to attack the United States.’ The outcome of this and other indiscretions was that Eisenhower relieved Patton of his command on October 2, 1945. Two months later he was fatally injured in a car crash.” 11.

Reinhard Gehlen was one of Adolf Hitler’s chief intelligence officers, solely in charge of espionage against the Soviet Union. In 1945, Gehlen offered the United States his considerable experience, expertise and archives on Russia and satellite countries in return for immunity from prosecution as a war criminal. The newly established Central Intelligence Agency formed the “Gehlen Organization” which was Gehlen’s former network for anti-Soviet espionage. Located in West Germany and funded by the CIA, the Gehlen Organization became the most powerful espionage establishment in Western Europe.

In 1979, Gen. Patton’s cousin, Congressman Lawrence McDonald, founded the Western Goals Foundation in Arlington, Virginia as a front for the JBS intelligence network. McDonald directed the organization until his untimely death in the downing of the Korean airliner, KAL 007 in 1983, the year he also succeeded Robert Welch as JBS Chairman. Western Goals was discontinued in 1986 following a power struggle for McDonald’s position. According to the Interhemispheric Resource Center GroupWatch, files of which are available on the IRC database, Western Goals had worked with Reinhard Gehlen:

“McDonald formed a foundation branch in West Germany in 1981. The organization, called the American-European Strategy Research Institute, was set up with a $131,982 injection from the U.S. office. That figure represented more than a third of Western Goals’ operating budget at the time…

“The German affiliate is Western Goals Europe E.V.(5) This German branch is also known as the American-European Strategy Institute. It acknowledges working with Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi who has been honored by the elite lay Catholic organization, the Knights of Malta (SMOM).(8) SMOM gave its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al Merito Conplacca, to Gehlen in l948. Gehlen, who was not a Catholic, was awarded the honor because of his efforts in the ‘crusade against godless Communism.’ Gehlen headed Adolf Hitler’s spy operations against the Soviet Union during World War II. After the war, he and his spy apparatus–staffed mostly by former Nazis–were recruited by the CIA. He became the first director of the BND, West Germany’s intelligence agency.” 12. [end of excerpt]


Two days before President Kennedy’s trip to Dallas, right-wingers began circulating around the city some 5,000 anti-Kennedy handbills. Entitled “Wanted for Treason,” these leaflets were designed to look like a police “wanted” poster, with front and profile photographs of Kennedy’s head.

The handbills shrieked:

“This man is wanted for treasonous activities against the United States:

1. Betraying the Constitution (which he is sworn to uphold):

He is turning the sovereignty of the U.S. over to the communist controlled United Nations.

He is betraying our friends (Cuba, Katanga, Portugal) and befriending our enemies (Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland).

2. He has been WRONG on innumerable issues affecting the security of the U.S. (United Nations-Berlin wall-Missile removal-Cuba-Wheat deals-Test Ban Treaty, etc.).

3. He has been lax in enforcing Communist Registration laws.

4. He has given support and encouragement to the Communist inspired racial riots.

5. He has illegally invaded a sovereign State with federal troops.

6. He has consistently appointed Anti-Christians to Federal office:

Upholds the Supreme Court in its Anti-Christian rulings.

Aliens and known Communists abound in Federal offices.

7. He has been caught in fantastic LIES to the American people (including personal ones like his previous marriage and divorce).”[end]

On the very day JFK visited Dallas and died, the local newspaper, The Dallas Morning News, featured a full page, black-bordered anti-Kennedy advertisement prepared and paid for by persons affiliated with the John Birch Society, one of the most infamous right-wing extremist organizations of the 1960’s. The ad claimed to be the work of “The American Fact-Finding Committee,” in reality a nonexistent organization. Bernard Weissman, listed on the ad as the chairman of the Committee, however, did exist; he was the person who actually placed the ad. Weissman later testified before the Warren Commission. He was one of the few witnesses before that body who deemed it prudent to appear accompanied by an attorney.

[end of excerpt] The “Wanted for Treason” poster that was produced by these same shills involved with the assassination of JFK is at the very bottom of this article.

The John Birch Society is deceived by obsessing over Communists and the Council of Foreign Relations, without exposing much of the other organizations determined to create the New World Order (which is done by design). In the long march toward the New World Order, ultra-right and ultra left-wing agitation creating propaganda on both sides will not only polarize and destabilize society, but they create a diversionary conflict to prevent recognition of the true conspiracy.

In other words, the elite control both camps; so many people may be deceived to join phony opposition groups to readily play into the trap that will foment the one-world government. (Some may argue that a one world government is already in existence. I am one of them) Its a simple Hegelian Dialect. According to Carroll Quigley (a British professor and proponent of the N.W.O.) the Round Table organizations in America represent the liberal establishment and the Anglo-American establishment creating the ultra-conservative movement in the United States aka the John Birch Society (a pioneer of the extreme right). Keep in mind, Caroll Quigley taught and mentored Bill Clinton at Jesuit Georgetown, which escalated Clinton’s career and allowed him to become a Rhodes Scholar (connected to the Rhodes/Milner Round Table and the Fabian Society). Caroll Quigley fails to connect the dots in regards to the Vatican and Jesuit Order in his “masterpiece” Tragedy and Hope.

In 1976, Western Islands (the publishing arm of the JBS), used a reprint of John Robison’s “Proof of a Conspiracy” (a 1789 expose of the Illuminati) denying any connection to the Illuminati and Freemasonry even though many JBS members today acknowledge that the Illuminati still exists. Well the non-Freemason-Illuminati connection is a blatant lie, because Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit who taught Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, was responsible for the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati (was originally going to be called Beenan Orden aka Order of the Bees. Beehive/Bee symbolism represents the Merovingian Bloodlines) This Order infiltrated masonic lodges on behalf of the Vatican to obtain additional mysteries the Templars discovered and harnessed. Weishaupt added additional Illuminati degrees and Rites which compartmentalized Masonry further. In the French Revolution, many Masons and members of the Illuminati worked together to end the monarchy. Also, later in the 1800s, Karl Marx popularized the concepts of Communism. Karl Marx was a 33rd Degree Jewish Grand Orient Lodge Freemason as well as a member of the League of the Just, which is nothing more than a branch of the Illuminati in the 1800s.

[end of excerpt]

Every head of the JBS has been Jesuit trained. Ron Paul has a 100% approval rating from the JBS and Ron Paul has stated that there isn’t anything he disagrees with pertaining to the JBS. Ron Paul is a frequent speaker at Jesuit HQ Georgetown University. At the very bottom of this article, notice the symbolism behind him: IHS and other Roman fascist images? Some people who read this will argue that Ron Paul is not a freemason and if he is, who cares! This is an old article and it contains a thread written by Ron Paul’s very own scheduling manager! [ ] [ This link has many sources regarding Ron Paul’s quotes pertaining to the John Birch Society: ]

Ron Paul wrote a book called The Case for Gold with Lewis Lehrman. Who is Lew and why would Ron Paul write a book with him? Well, Lew is the founder of Rite Aid Drug. Lew was also a business partner with George W. Bush with his oil enterprise. He is a papal knight (Sovereign Military Order of Malta). He was on the board of directors of The Project for a New American Century, the think tank a lot of “truthers” blame for being responsible for 911. Ron Paul refuses to participate in a further investigation into the crimes of 911 and blames it all on “blow back.” [ ]

Lewis Lehrman is a member of the CFR and The Council for National Policy. What is the CNP? A 501C3 think tank part of the phony left vs right dialectic comparable to the Council on Foreign Relations just like the JBS. The CNP was founded by Dr. Timothy LaHaye in 1981 with the funding of the Hunt “Oil” Family and Rev. Sun Myung Moon. One must research the Arlington Group and the Belmont Brotherhood to see the CNP’s heavy hitters. The CNP consists of powerful individuals in the military industrial complex (Black Water aka Xe) banking cartels, multi-national corporations, previous presidents/presidential candidates, Prime Minister of Canada, Evangelical Christian Zionists, Scientology, Mormons and a lot of the guests Alex Jones has on his radio “program” on a regular basis. Meaning that, it is behind the phony patriot movement, tea party, libertarians and other types of activism. Just like the CFR (one of the think tanks Alex Jones puts most of his focus on, like many JBS members do) the CNP is directly connected to Chatham House, the Fabian Society, The Rhodes/Milner Roundtable and the London School of Economics. (Some would argue that all these groups are really the same. I agree.) One of the most influential NGO’s in America is ALEC. On their website [ ] they boast by stating: With more than 2,000 members, ALEC is the nation’s largest, non-partisan, individual public-private membership association of state legislators. Meaning that, they write bills of their own and get them passed unscathed in the process. [ ]

Here is a radio show I hosted regarding a comparison of the CNP and the CFR. [ Please listen: ]

The Alex Jones Show is a radio “program” used as a platform for the phony right wing. Jones promotes Ron Paul enormously even though he has admitted that he doesn’t have a chance in winning the presidential race. Alex Jones states that Ron Paul’s campaign is meant for educational purposes. In 2008’s race for the White House after Ron Paul dropped out, Jones and Ron Paul both endorsed Chuck Baldwin as the Constitution Party nominee (the party that Aaron Russo was once head of until he extorted funds from it) and Bob Barr (CIA) as the “Libertarian” candidate. Both CNP members.

Why would Alex Jones continually state that voting is rigged and controlled by off shore globalists but then promote Ron Paul “money bombs” for his election? Alex Jones was involved in Pat Buchanan’s 1996 presidential run as well as Larry Pratt. Buchanan was trained by the Jesuits and is a Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

What is amazing is that for a long time, Alex Jones denied knowing anything about the CNP. In one of his documentaries called End Game 1.5, toward the end of the film, he is filming Phyllis Schlafly speaking at a CNP meeting. This film was made in 2008! The CNP does not allow media to be present at their three times a year secret meetings. There is a complete press blackout! Phyllis Schlafly has stated that CNP meetings involve getting together for dinners and speaking about politics in a non-nefarious way.

Here is a clip of Charlotte Iserbyt on the Alex Jones show explaining who the CNP is. It’s in two parts and for Part 1, the CNP is discussed toward the end of the video and continues on Part 2. [ ]

Why would Jones have a guest expose the CNP even though the majority of his guests are CNP members? To save face of course. He was flooded with emails and callers who wanted him to openly discuss this issue for a long time. Either he doesn’t research or he has been dodging this issue until he couldn’t anymore. I am thinking the latter since he filmed footage from a CNP meeting years prior!

Interestingly enough, Alex Jones will always mention Eugenics as an agenda being used by the global elite but never do you hear him mention the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics. The IAAEE has direct ties to the John Birch Society, Heritage Foundation, Pioneer Fund, the Eagle Forum, the Liberty Lobby, Council for National Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, the Fabian Society, the Rhodes/Milner Round Table, and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. I highly suggest researching everyone of these NGO’s aka think tanks because all of them have great significance considering how these people in these groups effect our lives. [ ]

Here is the clip from End Game 1.5 beginning with Jim Tucker (the so-called expert on Bilderberg, employed by Willis Carto at AFP) and later Phyllis Schafly:

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Phyllis Schlafly is a Dame of Malta (Queen Elizabeth is head of the Dames). She is also head of the Eagle Forum and is a frequent guest on the Alex Jones Show. Her lineage goes back to the Scottish Stewart Dynasty, the Bruce Bloodline, as well as the Merovingian.

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In 1985, United Press International wrote this: Phyllis Schlafly said Tuesday that the “freedom fighter friendship kits” of mints and toiletries being sent to the rebels in Nicaragua will show support for the fight against communism. “We want to show support of people fighting for freedom everywhere in the world,” Schlafly, a conservative activist, said from her home in Alton. “We admire those who fight for it and of course the biggest force interfering with freedom is the Communists.” The kits, containing articles ranging from breath mints and chewing gum to disposable razors and other toiletries, were assembled this week by members of the Eagle Forum, a conservative group headed by Schlafly, and the United States Council for World Freedom in Phoenix.

[ excerpt from: ]

Eustace Mullins mentions Jeanne Kirkpatrick as a director of the League for Industrial Democracy. She is touted by Phyllis Schlafly as a Conservative. Kirkpatrick is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and appears on Phyllis Schlafly’s video “Global Governance”. The big hook in that video – which would leave a partially-informed individual with a sense of hopelessness – is the inference that treaties supersede the Constitution. Other than that, the major portion of the information is accurate, so it leads the viewer to believe ALL the information is accurate, including the supremacy of treaties over the Constitution.

The phony conservatives are much like rat poison when you think about it: 99.5% of the ingredients in rat poison are tasty and nutritious for the rats (otherwise they wouldn’t eat it, would they?). Only 0.5% of the ingredients are actually deadly.

Schlafly has been interviewed many times on other radio broadcasts spreading misinformation regarding the ‘supremacy of treaties over the Constitution’. On several occasions Bernadine Smith called in to refute the lie, and invited Phyllis to join her in an on-air discussion to clear up the confusion once and for all. Schlafly refused. Of course she would.

When Phyllis was questioned (sometime in 1998) by a caller on an Ohio ‘religious’ radio broadcast asking why CFR member, Kirkpatrick, was featured on her video, Schlafly literally screeched… her justification was that they can get valuable information from Kirkpatrick. So, we’re supposed to believe that Kirkpatrick would say anything other than that which the Rockefeller controlled CFR would allow.

After several astute listeners of Sweet Liberty called, asking pointed question the host asked her if she normally gets questions like this. Again she screeched… “NEVER!!” A couple of other questions to Schlafly were:

1) “Why are the meetings of the Council for National Policy (CNP) so secret?” Her evasive response. “I don’t control those meetings. All of my meetings are open to the public.” She was correct about that. According to former CNP member, Reverend Austin Miles, who has been a guest on Sweet Liberty on several occasions, Paul Weyrich is the Grand Puba of the CNP. (Not sure exactly what Weyrich’s ‘title’ is at the CNP, but Grand Puba should suffice. He’s in a league of his own… along with one other famous person; Fred Flintstone was the Grand Puba of his fraternal lodge, wasn’t he?)

2) “Are you a Dame of Malta?” (that is the female counterpart to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta – better known as Knights of Malta). Her response: “Yes. It’s a benevolent organization.” (I have an audio tape of the broadcast referenced)

That’s what Pat Buchanan said when asked by radio talk show host, Roger Fredenberg, if he (Buchanan) was a Knight of Malta. “It’s a benevolent organization that costs me about $5,000 a year for charitable causes” (paraphrased) — Jackie — August 17, 2002 [end of excerpt]

Let us not forget that Larry Pratt was in the trenches of Latin America supporting their death squads. He has publicly stated that America needs to establish militias that mirror these death squads in his book “Armed People Victorious”. Larry Pratt is a member of two different national Tea Party networks: Tea Party Nation and 1776 Tea Party and a radio host of Gun Owners News Hour Radio. In a Rolling Stone article titled Armed and Dangerous;In 1992 Larry Pratt and Howard Phillips (a Jew) spoke at a Colorado meeting of Aryan Nations leaders; former Ku Klux Klansmen; and adherents of so-called “Christian Identity,” a doctrine in which Jews are literally considered Satanic and persons of color are referred to as “mud people.” Pratt had accepted the invitation from Pete Peters, author of a pamphlet called “The Death Penalty for Homosexuals.” [ ]

[ excerpt ]

Larry Pratt who founded Gun Owners of America (another ploy to list American citizens in another database) was also a board member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), founded by Paul Weyrich. Under the auspices of CIS, Pratt was president of the racist, anti-immigration English First. Larry Pratt was Secretary of the Council for Inter-American Security [which] served both as an intelligence conduit from “private” sources such as the American Security Council and CAUSA, and as an informal employment agency which provided analysts to the Reagan administration at the inception of Washington’s murderous counter-insurgency wars in Central America. As CIS secretary, Larry Pratt was a well-placed “asset” in his own right, serving as a link between the public policy/research arms of the organization, the interventionist wing of the theocratic Christian Right and as an “informal” public relations spokesperson for Washington’s Central American agenda via Gun Owners of America and the CIS-affiliated, North- South Institute. But in order to fully appreciate the sinister nature of the Council for Inter-American Security, Pratt’s involvement and his broader links to international fascist networks, there is another organization, also little explored by “mainstream” media, which deserves our attention, the World Anti-Communist League.

[CIS] functioned in a dual-capacity; as an alarmist “public policy institute” and as a domestic spy ring, a “privatized” version of the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO operations. Having staked-out Latin America as their geopolitical niche, CIS targeted Central America solidarity activists, progressive clergy, and the Salvadoran exile community. The group gathered intelligence and disseminated disinformation, funneling data on foreign policy opponents to the FBI and the intelligence service of the Salvadoran death squad state…In 1980, they published the influential A New Inter-American Policy for the Eighties, generally known as the “Santa Fe Document.”

Pratt would use his skills as a propagandist and his position as president of Gun Owners of America, to launch a new campaign – to make English the official language of the United States… Under the auspices of CIS, [Larry] Pratt was the president of a racist, anti-immigration outfit, English First. Officers of Pratt’s group are also leaders of the alarmist, United States Border Control (USBC).

Larry Pratt served as an executive in Howard Phillips’ U.S. Taxpayers Party. “At its 1994 convention, USTP sold a paramilitary manual entitled ‘Principles Justifying the Arming and Organizing of a Militia’… In short, it is a manual that prepares the recruit for underground war.” Imagine the irony of Howard Phillips, a Jew, handing out warfare manuals to anti-Semitic militias. Furthermore, “It was at Estes Park, that Pratt spoke to the assembled fanatics and convinced them that the armed vigilante death squads that had worked their poison in Central America and in the Philippines, could become the model for an armed militia movement within the United States.” [A Blueprint for Death Squads in North America] [end of excerpt]

Here’s a link regarding Jones’s connections to some of the Iran Contra’s conspirators:

Ron Paul flopped his 08′ campaign. Once he left the race, he started a 501C4 Corporation ( a lobbying organization) called The Campaign for Liberty in order to keep the remaining campaign contributions. Besides him funneling money to friends and family members from his campaign donations calling the money “consulting services”, the only way for him to keep the remaining money was to open a non-profit organization. Some of the founding members of C4L are members of the Council for National Policy. Howard Phillips (a white supremacist connected with Larry Pratt and his phony militia movement) and Grover Norquist (tied to the Jack Abramoff and the Indian lobbying scandal). Doesn’t it seem odd for Ron Paul to have direct associations with these sort of people since he is the poster boy for Freedom?

What I find interesting is that Ron Paul’s 2012 Campaign’s key people involved with his campaign are a who’s who of the Republican Party that go all the way back to Reagan/Bush era. You will find connections to Pat “The Jesuit” Buchanan, Pat “The Evangelical” Robertson, Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson and coalitions tied to Gun Owners of America, Catholics for Ron Paul, Evangelicals for Ron Paul, Americans for Tax Reform (tied to the Jack Abramoff scandal) [ ]

Ron Paul wants us to go to a gold standard! There is much evidence that points to 911 being one of the biggest gold heists in American history {Not counting the 1933 Executive Order issued by FDR [ ]

Wouldn’t that entity that has confiscated that gold become more influential in the world power structure if currencies become backed by gold?

“Those who own the gold make the rules” ~They Live

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“It’s Not the People Who Vote that Count; It’s the People Who Count the Votes.” ~Josef Stalin

Didn’t we learn from the George W. Bush two-term voting fraud? My belief is that Presidents are selected rather than elected. I would argue that voting for President is not only pointless at this present time; voting justifies and acknowledges the corrupt political system in place from the campaigning process, ballot box and Electoral College, to the time these politicians are in office. Participation in America’s current system is allowing the gears of the machine to function. Didn’t we learn from the “Yes We Can”, the yes man, Barry Barack Osama Bin Biden Obama Sotoro? Was there any change we can believe in? Well yes, but not what he “promised” he would do!

Update: I Voted for Obama, Now I’m Voting for Ron Paul [ ]

[start] I truly believe that I speak for so many young progressives that would be proponents for peace, clean food and water, and a government that actually helps and cares for its citizens. After 8 years of GWB and the lies about WMDs, 9-11, Monsanto, Iraq…etc…anyone coming from the other party looked like a better choice. I was somehow still under the illusion that the Democratic Party would work for the people and not corporate/banking/defense industry interests.

I cried when Obama won. I really thought it was a new dawn for the US and the world as a whole. I was so ashamed of the Bush administration… all the violence and greed just made me ashamed to be from the US. Somehow though I still thought that there was a difference between the two parties.

I have to thank Mr. Obama for waking me up to this truth. When he showed support for Monsanto and big agribusiness, the continued (and escalated) warmongering, and even the continued selling-out of the American taxpayer to the Federal Reserve, the lightbulb went off in my head — they are all simply employees.

On the other hand, Dr. Ron Paul seems to be the only candidate that is talking about the big pink elephant in the room. The money wasted on war, the fact that our nation has been sold to international banks, and that the federal government is becoming a monster overtaking state autonomy.

I never would have thought that the day would come where I would actually consider voting for someone else than a democrat. I want the world to be clean and healthy paradise planet for the next generations and for those that are living here now. I want the freedom to be able to buy clean food and drink unfluoridated water. I feel that its not asking too much, but the current administration continues to take away these rights.

Ron Paul seems to be the only option, and the furthered bashing of him by the mainstream media shows that they see him as a threat. I seriously hope that his time will come in 2012. Peace and Prosperity to the US and EVERY person on the planet! Here is to sanity in 2012. [end of article]

This article is scary in the sense that this sounds like your typical Ron Paul follower who refuses to look any deeper than the Microcosmic level. Because I research, I knew this was going to happen and this is going to continue to happen. Ron Paul is getting more and more air time on the major networks. It appears he may be “selected” as the next Pawn. This right here folks, is the agenda! Here are some more articles that I will not paste here but is in correlation with the one above: [ ] [ ]

I understand that this article has a ton of information and it may appear that I do not recognize the positive aspects of what people like Ron Paul and Alex Jones have provided. Most of what Ron Paul and Alex Jones discuss is correct and helpful to an extent. The main reason why I have put a lot of time and effort into writing this; including other forms of activism; is because of what is NOT being said that I have a HUGE problem with.

Ron Paul was who first planted a seed for me when I began this journey. When I created a Myspace profile back in 2007, a childhood friend and I connected on there. There is a bulletin process that occurs on this site and my friend Mike posted a Ron Paul video. It was unlike anything I ever heard before! Moving, inspiring and caused me to want to be fed more information like it. Then my research made a huge turn into secret societies and the occult. This is where the gradual disappoint started creeping in at. The people I was learning from appeared to be wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Being Italian and curious about my family’s atrocities involving the mafia; my research led me right into the Vatican and its many affiliations. Because of this type of research, it allowed me to realize that politics are a dog and pony show. I began to ponder over why Ron Paul would even want to take the chance to be on a radio “program” such as the Alex Jones Show if he was serious about winning? It didn’t take me long to figure out that the majority of revolutions have occurred because the higher echelons of the world were behind them. When Ron Paul flopped his 2008 campaign and Alex Jones/Ron Paul endorsed Chuck “The Dominionist” Baldwin and Bob “The CIA Asset” Barr, that entire incident woke me up. I found Bill Cooper’s lecture on Alex Jones Y2K propaganda and that was enough for me to dismiss Alex Jones as anything but trustworthy. Here is a piece written right after the 2008 Presidential Election that speaks for itself. I would go to the link because it has several hyper links. [ ] The Republican Party Forbade Ron Paul From Pursuing a Third Party Run

In this post taking count of the third party presidential vote, Reason magazine’s David Weigel repeats a now common criticism of Ron Paul:

Bob Barr’s complaint from Ron Paul’s presser rings true: The way to keep attention on libertarian political arguments was to consolidate behind one candidate. For all of Paul’s flaws, his totals in Montana and Louisiana indicate that he probably could have run a Nader 2000-style campaign and gotten about Nader’s 2.8 million votes.

Here’s Justin Raimondo making the complaint more forcefully:

I was an early and vocal supporter of Ron Paul, and yet he stopped campaigning precisely when he should have started–or, at any rate, re-started. His refusal to go all the way, and launch a third party bid has got to be one of the grandest missed opportunities of all time. To have predicted the banking meltdown, so loudly and insistently, and then have it occur just as the presidential campaign reached a crescendo–Paul could easily have garnered 10 percent of the vote, at a minimum, elbowing aside McCain as the authentic defender of what is left of our economic liberty.

What’s the problem with all this? Ron Paul gained what popularity he did by taking advantage of the national stage afforded by the Republican primary debates, but Paul’s spokesman Jesse Benton revealed yesterday that a third party run as the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidate was never a possibility. The Republican Party had made that a condition of entering their primary race:

Ron Paul could not have run Libertarian if he wanted to. In order to be on the GOP Primary Ballot in at least 11 states, including Texas, Ron had to pledge that he would not seek the presidency on another ticket if he failed to secure the GOP nomination. Not running third party was the price of admission.

It’s not difficult to see why this information wasn’t made public before the press conference at which Ron Paul made his presidential endorsements: of course the GOP would prefer it never to see the light of day, and until that point Paul could coyly respond to inquiries that he had “no plans” to mount a third party run while not completely ruling it out, keeping the media interested and the major parties on their toes.

Since the now-infamous press conference was followed by the stupid Barr reaction, the nasty fallout, and Paul’s ultimate endorsement of Chuck Baldwin, all of which had disastrous effects on the unity of the Ron Paul movement, disclosing this nugget of information could have quelled some of the harmful (and as it turns out, baseless) criticisms of Paul.

Then again, who am I to know? Maybe the GOP also had a non-disclosure agreement which gagged the Paul campaign from talking until after the November 4th election. I wouldn’t be surprised, would you? [end]

My research has been non stop and continues today. I’ve come to realize that the “truth movement” is being radicalized by design to foment another civil war. Bill Cooper stated that whoever fires the first shot loses. I imagine one day, someone wearing a black (9-11 was an inside job T-shirt) being blamed for some sort of “terrorist” act or some other sort of propaganda to incite violence. Radio hosts like Alex Jones are stirring the pot. Don’t be fooled by these frauds. They have other interests in mind rather than the best interest for all of humanity.

“Sophisticated totalitarian governments always use agents provocateurs to smoke out resisters. They send undercover agents into resistance groups to provoke them to violence, so that they can use that violence as ‘proof’ of the need for greater tyranny. Make no mistake: our American totalitarians are very sophisticated in controlling the public. I once heard something in an Establishment hanger-on’s speech that I never forgot: It is easier to exert influence than to exercise control. This is the credo for today’s totalitarians who abhor the crude, heavy-handed methods of Milner or Rhodes, Stalin or Hitler.” [Franklin Sanders, The Militia: Is It Time to Fight?, 1995]

In politics, there always has to be a good guy, otherwise there would be a revolt overnight. Everyone has a certain role they must play. These good guys are put there as an aphrodisiac for the masses. In America, it is not hardcore oppressive to its people like other nations of the world. The illusion of freedom is the platform used to manipulate the people of America. In the video Statism is Dead:The Matrix, the concept of countries being nothing more than production farms is highlighted. America is a free range farm whereas China is a confined farm. [ ]

I have found in my research that America (HQ) District of Columbia, is a private corporation. Both houses of Congress are the Board of Directors and of course President/Vice-President being that of a private corporation. All registered voters are in fact citizens of the District of Columbia and not citizens of the States they reside in. So what does this mean you maybe asking? It means that because registered voters are in fact citizens of D.C. they only receive (3) Electoral College Votes! That means that the millions of registered voters only have a grand total of (3) votes that represent their choice in President! OK, so what happens to the remaining Electoral College Votes? Each state is a legal person (14th Amendment) and have the remaining representation!

So if this is true (I have not found any information that discredits this) then how are the American people ever going to be capable of electing the President of their choice? My suggestion is to look into the formation of the District of Columbia as a Sovereign State, the Act of 1871, the 14th & 15th Amendment and check out these video presentations titled:

Season of Treason: [ ]

The Constitution of No Authority [ ]

If anybody wishes to look deeper and take the time to confirm my findings as well as many others, I suggest listening to these radio archives:

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Josh Reeves from the Global Reality Show produced Secret Right Volume One, which sheds much light into the Council for National Policy and its many affiliations:

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Here is Hour One of Josh’s new film, “Secret Right Volume Two”
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Red Ice’s recent guest Josh Reeves: The Secret Agenda of the Elite Priest Class:
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Feel free to share this with anyone that would benefit from it. Post it on your website. Post this on a forum and get people to think for themselves!!! Stay tuned, One Love!

The facebook note above mentioned Josh Reeves and I have evidence he censored a comment I made about a Jesuit priest being behind the big bang theory, he even blocked me from making more comments!

Nazi Germany – A Creation of the Vatican and Jesuits
Sovereign Military Order of Malta Photo Album

“Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell]. Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection.” (1987) J.E.C. Shepherd (Canadian historian)

Royalty Free Creative Commons 3 License Music used with permission from the author