Media Manipulation Tommy Chong Curing Cancer Hemp Oil

ABC published their article on my birthday June 12, 2012, except I was so busy with work and other stuff, I finally had the time to deal with this issue. How can cannabis activists be sound asleep following the MAINSTREAM MEDIA DISINFORMATION even when they make smoking weed look bad! There is Evidence cannabis curing cancer Dr. Melamede is showing at Cannabis Science look for the link below. Even if there was no evidence cannabis cures cancer, there is no reason to not end cannabis prohibition by repealing the unconstitutional laws, Obama shows Americans don’t ask don’t tell was Repealed and also tells Americans he knows they aren’t stupid while showing Americans small progress while ignoring Cannabis fooling around with Americans. Why is a Canadian trying more than Americans to educate the masses about making America energy independent with renewable hemp fuel?

In the late 1930s, The American Medical Association (AMA) opposed regulation of Cannabis and did not want studies of its potential medicinal benefits to be limited. In 1942, Cannabis was REMOVED from the U.S. Pharmacopeia because of continuing “concerns” about its safety

Despite Industrial Hemp having 50,000 uses, Dupont, Rockefeller, Hearst, Mellon and their constituents cornered the industrial and medicinal market with political propaganda, to insure against the competition of hemp fuel and safe, non-addicting and biodegradable products.

History is being written every day. Is the historical record going to show the lack of co-operation? Or will 2012 be the year of co-operation to end prohibition and make America and other countries energy independent. Media blackouts are used, in particular, in times of declared war, to keep useful intelligence from the enemy.

There is nothing wrong with smoking weed, I have asthma smoking weed opens up my lungs, allowing me to breathe. Medical marijuana pioneer Dr Lester Grinspoon spoke out against the oil instead of an actual investigation, he talked about Rick Simpson as if the education system was trying to actually educate students while the education system downplays cannabis while people suffer and die.

There is something terribly wrong, please share the truth far and wide turn things around! There is so much evidence of the lack of co-operation to share the truth while so much phoney activism get so much support. Steve Jobs tried the other alternative cancer cures Except he never tried cannabis oil and Steve Jobs died of cancer.

Phoenix Tears makers: Naphtha is Dangerous avoid using as a solvent, there are safer solvents to use. Not everyone has a lab to make the oil without any residue.

Lack of Co-operation in a World of Mass Social Media

I have evidence on my blog and youtube channel of the lack of co-operation to make America and other countries energy independent with Hemp fuel and end cannabis prohibition. I have evidence of controlled opposition and phoney activism who get so much support and donations ignoring the truth preventing any real movement for peace or justice! It is important to Support Independent Media and make sure there is reliable sources of information, do your own research, share my videos and help educate the masses. I struggle every week working hard to share truth, I can use any help I can get My email is

End Cannabis Prohibition No More violation of Human Rights

Share this Video and help end cannabis prohibition, this applies to many countries! Newt Gingrich is selling repeal obamacare and repealing other laws in his campaign and people find that good but Newt Gingrich does not support repealing the laws that would end cannabis prohibition, Newt proposed the death penalty for cannabis years ago. I am having a very hard time getting by working a job and consistently having no money, last year I didn’t have a lot of work, and I got behind on my rent, so I’m still catching up. All my work is free, if you can help me with a donation, please email me at I am able to accept international money order, Western Union, or cheque.

I would love to have a better camera, im working with a low resolution cell phone camera. I am tired of drinking fluoride and the filter+shipping costs too much for me. I am not in this for money, but it could really help. Alex Jones lives in a mansion do you think he has enough money? Hundreds of dollars would be a miracle for me I live at my mothers working with limited tools! I am not asking for $500,000 like alex jones annual $500,000 money bombs. Cannabis is one of those subjects Alex Jones doesn’t speak truth because it would allow his viewers to reach accurate conclusions. Alex Jones has barely spoken about repealing other laws, so why not talk about repealing the unconstitutional cannabis laws or does he not care about human rights? Alex Jones reaches a large audience thats my point he doesn’t care to inform his audidence because of disinformation.

Mainstream and alternative media make a lot of money and they ignore solutions, and so do people scamming people with fake, fraudulent charities, cancer societies and they don’t help by the fact the circus keeps going! I have been banned for sharing truth, and I have had massive censorship from mainstream and alternative media.

It took 13 years to end alcohol prohibition, all these decades later it is time to turn things around! It should be law at local,state,provincial,national,international levels to deny Anyone the cannabis (hemp) plant for any reason or use, it is a fundamental violation of human rights to deny anyone access to the most superior resource on earth Hemp. Hemp is the most nutritional food source, the best medicine, strongest fiber better than cotton that uses no pesticides (cotton uses about half of the worlds pesticides) and so much more.

Energy Companies and Corporations have a monopoly because the superior energy source and resource is outlawed by corruption. If cannabis prohibition ended so many new businesses and jobs would be created instantly. Everything made from toxic oil today, can be made from non-toxic hemp. Any limits or restrictions on hemp are preventing a free market. Would you want a license to grow vegetables? The idea of having a license for cannabis sounds like the Slave Master telling the slaves how many plants they can grow. Nobody has any right to dictate!

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. We don’t want legalization of marijuana which leaves the government to control and regulate it. Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp!

A full repeal occurs where the entire Act is repealed because the law is doing more harm than the reasoning for the law.

Regulate: to govern or direct according to rule
Control: to exercise restraining or directing influence over : (i.e. to regulate)
Tax: to make onerous (troublesome/burdensome) and rigorous demands on

Legalization sounds like the corporate takeover of the cannabis industry via government legislation (over-taxation, over-regulation and over-control)

Legalized Medicinal marijuana is a scam because it discriminates and limits access to this harmless medicine that saves lives. Nobody dies or suffers injury from THC.

Cannabis needs to be exempted from all laws practically everywhere, the only way to put the cartels out of business is to allow the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis (hemp) for industrial, medicinal, nutritional and recreational purposes repealed. Nobody has any right to restrict anyone, any age, a harmless plant safer than drinking water.

The war on drugs/cannabis won’t go away by setting limits on cannabis, or even blocking trade, sharing, sales of cannabis over the borders, at any level, they want more security for the police state, that only ensures there is a war on drugs and cannabis. If sharing or trade is allowed over the borders it means everything gets cheaper. The cartels want to control and fix the prices.

Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel’s death.

The first diesel fuel was made from oil pressed from hemp seeds. It’s non-toxic, a nitrogen fixer, grows well nearly everywhere, a renewable resource, makes food, fuel, paper, rope, medicine, cosmetics, plastic, housing and much more.

I do not eat any meat, fish or dairy. No blood sacrifice rituals.

Help End Cannabis Prohibition Sooner than Later

It took 13 years to end alcohol prohibition, all these decades later it is time to turn things around! It should be law at local,state,provincial,national,international levels to deny Anyone the cannabis (hemp) plant for any reason or use, it is a fundamental violation of human rights to deny anyone access to the most superior resource on earth Hemp. Hemp is the most nutritional food source, the best medicine, strongest fiber better than cotton that uses no pesticides (cotton uses about half of the worlds pesticides) and so much more.

Energy Companies and Corporations have a monopoly because the superior energy source and resource is outlawed by corruption. If cannabis prohibition ended so many new businesses and jobs would be created instantly. Everything made from toxic oil today, can be made from non-toxic hemp. Any limits or restrictions on hemp are preventing a free market. Would you want a license to grow vegetables? The idea of having a license for cannabis sounds like the Slave Master telling the slaves how many plants they can grow. Nobody has any right to dictate!

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. We don’t want legalization of marijuana which leaves the government to control and regulate it. Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp!

A full repeal occurs where the entire Act is repealed because the law is doing more harm than the reasoning for the law.

The bill called H.R.2306 – Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011 sounds like a partial repeal and would maintain the war on drugs because it would block trade or sharing, and more at the borders. It would allow corrupt media to keep manipulating the fear related to cannabis and allow states to keep laws against it.

The war on drugs/cannabis won’t go away by setting limits on cannabis, or even blocking trade, sharing, sales of cannabis over the borders, at any level, they want more security for the police state, that only ensures there is a war on drugs and cannabis. If sharing or trade is allowed over the borders it means everything gets cheaper. The cartels want to control and fix the prices.

The prohibition against marijuana/marihuana/Hemp/Cannabis was unconstitutional from its inception.

Regulate: to govern or direct according to rule
Control: to exercise restraining or directing influence over : (i.e. to regulate)
Tax: to make onerous (troublesome/burdensome) and rigorous demands on

Legalization sounds like the corporate takeover of the cannabis industry via government legislation (over-taxation, over-regulation and over-control)

Legalized Medicinal marijuana is a scam because it discriminates and limits access to this harmless medicine that saves lives. Nobody dies or suffers injury from THC.

Cannabis needs to be exempted from all laws practically everywhere, the only way to put the cartels out of business is to allow the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis (hemp) for industrial, medicinal, nutritional and recreational purposes repealed. Nobody has any right to restrict anyone, any age, a harmless plant safer than drinking water.

Definition of CARTEL:
1: a written agreement between belligerent nations
2: a combination of independent commercial or industrial enterprises designed to limit competition or fix prices
3: a combination of political groups for common action

Example of CARTEL: a cartel of oil-producing nations that controls production and influences prices

Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel’s death.

U.S. Government owns Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

Legalization vs Repeal (Control vs Freedom)

Sorry for repeating information it is there for reference purposes, people complain if I do, and if I don’t put the information up there, people don’t know. Why take chances, please understand I am only repeating information because the majority of people don’t know truth. I have to try.

What is better legalization or repealing the unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent cannabis users? The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception. Legalization seems to limit the public’s ability to be self sufficient and sustainable. We can repeal any laws and make them null and void so things will be like when George Washington grew Cannabis, except we have technology to help make things more efficient than ever! Many laws need to be repealed.

Take action, even if you only send an email. Why is controlling and limiting our ability to grow cannabis more popular than repealing the law to make it null and void so we are free to grow as many plants as we want? Stop supporting corrupt mainstream or alternative media that ignore and censor truth!

I want to be able to grow my own food, medicine, clean energy/fuel, fiber without being bullied by corrupt authorities just to stay in line with the “collective” by growing a limited amount of plants! Why is anyone wanting to limit a plant safer than drinking water? Some of us are tired of poisonous high energy prices and want to grow safe hemp for food, energy/fuel, fiber, medicine, hempcrete and so much more!

Thomas Jefferson was a hemp farmer. There are documents in Library of Congress where George Washington states that he liked sitting on the back porch smoking a pipe of hemp. In early Colonial times people could pay their taxes with hemp!

Rudolph Diesel who made the diesel engine to run on hemp fuel was found swimming with the fishes! Wide use of Rudolf Diesel’s engine would have made petroleum-based fuel obsolete. The idea was destroyed by marijuana prohibition after Rudolf Diesel’s death.

The government repeals other laws so lets get rid of the corrupt laws!

Our number one need is oxygen. Hemp and bamboo are the two fastest growing plants on the planet. Both have a uniquely bright infrared signature, creating oxygen and breathing in CO2. Bamboo grows in tropical and semi-tropical zones. Hemp grows everywhere but the poles.

The first diesel fuel was made from oil pressed from hemp seeds. It’s non-toxic, a nitrogen fixer, grows well nearly everywhere, a renewable resource, makes food, fuel, paper, rope, medicine, cosmetics, plastic, housing and much more.

The seeds can be pressed and used for diesel. Leaves and stalks can be fermented and used for fuel grade alcohol. 1800 Gallons of Ethanol Per Acre. Hemp harvests the most ethanol per acre compared to the alternatives, 2-10 times more than corn ethanol. Low THC hemp plants produce less seed and ethanol per acre compared to other strains. Some varieties mature in 60-90 days.

Hemp also produces ozone while it grows. If the world switched to hemp for fuel, we could repair the southern ozone hole in less than two decades. Forests create oxygen. Ozone breathe in CO2, cool the air, attract moisture, create rain. We need them. They are our symbiots. Without them, we suffocate, are subject to droughts and weird weather.

If China and the rest of the third world are to drive, we will surely run out of oxygen unless we totally switch to hemp for fuel. China severely needs to depollute now in the cities. Hemp grows in China.

We need to switch fuels. Alcohol and hemp seed oil still burn oxygen, but create it while they are growing. Gasoline does not.

In the 1930’s, hemp was stigmatized in a smear campaign by the petroleum, tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical, paper industries to insure against the competition of hemp fuel and safe, non-addicting and biodegradable products. The blind prejudice remains. If we and the other animals on the planet are to survive, we must see through this ignorance and correct the problem, low oxygen.

Thanks to Gareth for posting this on

Alex Jones 15 Million Viewers a Week Ignores Life Saving Information

This information can change the world, and the truth would spread like wildfire if people like Alex Jones would report on it. He still can every day, why not? I believe it to be morally wrong to ignore life saving information during times like this, let alone censor that information, especially when you can reach 15 million viewers a week, AND you preach about the “new”/old world order. We(humans) need all the help we can get! When 1 person tells 2-3 friends some information, it reaches large amounts of people. What kind of world do you want to live in? Follow the Science not the Hypocrisy. The world is in such a mess because the most superior resource on earth (Cannabis) is illegal.

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent pot smokers. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception.

It is one thing to not know about the information to explain why some media do not report this information, for the most part many activists including myself have spent considerable time and energy to share truth, and we have been met with censorship and resistance from people claiming to be for truth. If cannabis was in any way able to help cancer patients it should be available to everyone without restrictions.

In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure Hemp Oil.
In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)

Aparently Alex “Run From the Cure” Jones ego is too good to have to report to his large audience he reaches how to cure cancer. I wonder how many Alex Jones fans have cancer, know someone with cancer, or know someone who has died of cancer. Where is the Love?

Police and authority are bullying people who desire non-addictive harmless medicine. Smoking cannabis is safer than drinking water. Water can kill you, cannabis can’t.

U.S. National Library of Medicine — 812 Worldwide PubMed articles on Cannabinoids including THC curing Cancer

That is a Government website with a growing database of science cannabis cures cancer.
Free Documentary Run From the Cure (343,797 views as of November 5, 2011 and Part 1 of another video has just under 1 million views)

The U.S. Government owns Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants (real cannabis is superior)

One patent of millions.

Video with Dan Dicks downloaded at

I have had censorship from all forms of media. Check out my blog and youtube channel for evidence.

Barack Obama Talks About Wealth Gap

The medical industry, and most industries that are the biggest profit makers, are only making massive profits selling poison, because cannabis(hemp) is illegal. If it was not illegal, anybody could just grow hemp sell food, fiber, fuel, 50000+ different products can be made from hemp.

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent pot smokers. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception.

Police and authority are bullying people who desire non-addictive harmless medicine. Smoking cannabis is safer than drinking water. Water can kill you, cannabis can’t.

WASHINGTON, DC -Crimebeat- “Late Friday night the White House issued a typical evasive rejection of the several marijuana legalization petitions that collected more signatures than any other issue on its “We the People” website,” stated retired Baltimore narcotics cop Neill Franklin. “Even though recent polls show that more voters support marijuana legalization than approve of President Obama’s job performance, the White House categorically dismissed the notion of reforming any laws, focusing its response on the possible harms of marijuana use instead of addressing the many harms of prohibition detailed in the petitions”.

In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure High THC Hemp Oil.
In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)

U.S. National Library of Medicine — 810 Worldwide PubMed articles on Cannabinoids including THC curing Cancer

Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants (real cannabis is superior)

Media Ignoring Important Information about Japan Nuclear Disaster

Richard (Dick) Cheney, Vice President of the U.S., former Secretary of Defense, former Chairman and CEO of Halliburton, former member of the House of Representatives, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, is guilty of War Crimes.

Michael Ruppert promoted a man who was the biggest energy investor in the world, Matthew Simmons who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations until he passed away.

That is conflict of interest. Michael Ruppert exposes Cheney yet ignores the fact Matthew Simmons was also a member of the same organization.

5 Reasons to Question “Peak Oil” Theory

Charlie Veitch is a perfect example of how corruption can even get to people who were once for truth. The attacks of September 11, 2001 were clearly an inside job they got rid of the evidence and even made a Navy ship out of the wreckage! Building 7 was a controlled demolition yet Charlie Veitch “changed his mind” or somebody changed his mind for him. Beware NWO Mafia will threaten peoples family to intimidate truthers. Resist corruption.

Do your own research and verify the sources. Research the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. Alternative media is ignoring important information related to the nuclear disaster taking place in Fukushima, Japan just like mainstream media. They sure do report on the disaster but fail to report on how the sick and dying can cure their cancers and protect them from the threat radiation presents. Media reports the soil may have to be removed because it contains radioactive particles, well if so, why can’t Hemp be grown like at Chernobyl and why won’t media report this? People don’t need to die, a lot of media are ignoring important information that would change everything. Watch the entire video to see what I am talking about, I provide evidence for my claims.

Some near earth asteroids contain up to 20 Trillion $ in USD. Who else is promoting this? I can think of a lot of people ignoring this kind of information while crying for solutions.

Michael Ruppert will basically admit Debt is Fraud and points out that energy growth is related to debt/GDP, but he fails to connect that is why peak oil is a fraud! Engineered Crisis.

Debt is Fraud, why would anyone want to pay a Fraud when it is illegal to begin with? People in alternative media are saying debt can never be paid back, as if it were legal! Loans must have lawful consideration (actually having the value of the loans in physical value.) Today loans are based in fractional reserve banking, creating money out of thin air, $1 is loaned out to create $15, and the $15 is expected to be paid back, while the $14 never existed to begin with. Too many people pay income taxes out of fear. Where is the law (canada or USA) showing that a human being with a soul has to surrender their rights to pay an unlawful income tax that was created by corruption? The governments sure did manipulate language trying to trick blood and flesh human souls to agree they are an artificial corporation which is why YOUR NAME is spelled on government issued ID in ALL CAPS because that signifies corporation. Why do people still pay income taxes? By all means pay normal taxes its illegal for a business to not pay taxes(some corporations get away without paying them, i wonder why…), but income taxes (your wages) are yours, don’t let corrupt authorities steal your wages and your dignity.

Michael Ruppert is Dividing and Conquering Listen to what he says! Barack Obama Agrees with Mike ruppert that growing the economy is not a good strategy. Why is alternative media so intent on ignoring science and reason verifiable by scientific evidence?

In 2003, Rick Simpson discovered his Cancer Cure Hemp Oil.
In 2007, the World Health Organization reported worldwide Cancer caused 21,643 deaths per day (7.9 Million Deaths per year)

Search RUN FROM THE CURE. Big energy companies LOVE how cannabis (hemp) is illegal. In fact, you could say Collapse is ONLY happening because the BIG CORPORATIONS keep Cannabis illegal. Without corrupt laws the new world order could not have gotten this rich selling toxic products!

There are many things Michael Ruppert fails to report on! There is some truth he speaks. Micheal Ruppert proves with his OWN words, what I present in my documentary Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud, is true, yet he ignores peak oil as a fraud (it was engineered crisis)

We need repeal of an unconstitutional law that has filled our prisons with nonviolent pot smokers. The prohibition against marijuana was unconstitutional from its inception.

Antimatter: The Future is Now (Full version Censored By Youtube)

Michael Ruppert Fraud Dividing and Conquering his audience NWO Hemp Revolution
Click Here to Watch free Documentary Run From the Cure

Patent 6630507 Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants

Rick Simpson in Rijeka (Croatia)

Hemp Fuel VS. Corn Fuel
the video of Ruppert was found at collapsenet

Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud 2011 Preview

Update December 25, 2011
I lost a lot of data doing a format for the hard drive because I never had an external hard drive, the DVDs I burned were no good for some reason, gives an error. I was remaking my documentary because people were mad at how it wasn’t “quality”, I am moving onto other things, how many more versions can I make?.

This is a 14 minute preview for my remake of my Peak Oil, Economic Collapse are a Fraud documentary. Finishing this small preview of the documentary took a lot of my energy and time.

Documentary on a variety of topics including, Antimatter Spacecraft Propulsion, Asteroid Mining, Cannabis/Hemp, Energy, Health, Organic Gardening, Solar, Space Colonization, Sustainability, Symbolism, UFO’s, and more.

Current fuels/ethanols, oils, plastics, and most products are toxic to the environment and human health. Hemp products are non-toxic, stronger, longer lasting, and healthy. When food, fuels, plastics, fibre, medicine are grown locally energy consumption reduces. Oil consumption would be reduced through increased efficiency, therefore the problem of humans consuming more oil that is being produced would be solved.

USSR Coat of Arms

United Nations

United Federation of Planets (Star Trek Symbol)

Read Jack Herer’s book for Free The Emperor Wears No Clothes
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This video is legal under Fair Dealing/Fair Use for the purpose of research and private study.